
28 December 2010

So another year is almost upon us and it's time to archive off the old news page and start a new one. If I'm quick perhaps no one will noticed I haven't been updating this site for the last two years ... on second thoughts I guess a quick summary is in order ...

In the real world I spent the latter half of 2008 and the first half of 2009 working away from home four days a week which rather restricted my free time. In the modding world I spent the latter part of 2008 working as part of the BouncyRock Studio on the Misery Stone module for NWN2. In December of 2008 I was asked to participate in BioWare's Dragon Age Toolset Beta which lasted for most of the following year and pretty much signalled the end of my involvement with NWN2.

In July 2009 a few members of the Toolset Beta were flown out to Edmonton for a 3-day Builders Event where we attended various workshops and got our first glimpse of the BioWare Social Network. On returning from Edmonton, I started documenting all the native scripting functions for the Dragon Age Builder's Wiki and subseuqently for the Dragon Age Lexicon.

2010 was spent working on various Dragon Age related projects some of which have been released and, as of today, now have pages on this site including:

Thank you for visiting,

Email: comments or bugs